Sinatra Solutions

Added Value Services

Hitting the Mark Every Time!

Since 1991 Sinatra Solutions has been committed to growth & development of mid-market organizations in Western New York. Partnering with a team of passionate and dedicated individuals, Sinatra Solutions has expanded and evolved over the years. We began working with individuals & businesses, coaching, consulting, diversity training, public speaking engagements and management-led seminars. Through client feedback and surveys, we found there was a significant need to help our clients in a variety of other key areas in their business.


Added Value Services was created and Sinatra Solutions expanded into offering a broader range of developmental programs, trainings, executive led seminars, sales trainings, curriculum development and so much more.


Contact us today so we can mail you copies of

"The Coach's Playbook for Life", so you & your team can catapult to the next level with these timeless tips! 

A special thank you goes out to each and every client we have been honored to serve and help

“Hit the Mark Every Time”.   

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